Parent-Teacher Conferences:
We want to be as informative as possible about the instruction that takes place in each classroom, and the expectations for your child. In order to help your child succeed, we need to work together. Please plan to meet with your child's teacher at least once during the 1st nine weeks, once during the 3rd nine weeks and other times requested during the school year. Please call the office to schedule a conference.
School Hours:
First Bell- 7:00 a.m.
Please be reminded that teachers and staff are not on duty prior to 7:00 a.m. Please do not drop children off and leave them unattended. Student safety is important.
Breakfast will be served daily from 7:00 a.m.- 7:25 a.m.
Second Bell- 7:25 a.m.
Students should be in their seats, READY to learn!
Tardy Bell- 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal Time- 2:45 p.m. in the following order: Bus riders, Day care vans, Walkers/Bike riders, Car riders(car riders will be picked up in the front of the school).
Attendance Matters:
Frequent absences affect a student's ability to rise in leadership or aspire to heroism. The New Attendance Policy in the elementary, academy, and middle schools (Pre-K-8), the limit of absences shall be four (4) days of unexcused or six (6) days total (includes excused and unexcused) per semester. On day five (5) for unexcused absences and day seven (7) for the total number of absences, the grade for the semester goes to 60/F or actual grade, whichever is lower.
Absences must be reported to the office for any reason. Please call the office to report an absence and provide a written excuse upon your child's return to school.
We must have phone numbers, home and work, where you can be reached if your child becomes ill. Please update contact information regularly. Without up to date contact information, your child may become upset if we are unable to reach you. Also include the names and phone numbers of friends or neighbors who can also checkout your child.
Mode of Transportation Changes:
Please stop by the office before 2:15 pm to submit all transportation changes in writing. Absolutely no changes will be taken over the telephone! Only the names listed on your child's information card are allowed to pick up your child in the car rider line. Picture ID must be provided. If you have any questions, please call the office at (228) 938-6552.
Class DOJO
Join our Class Dojo!! Each teacher is
able to give positive
feedback on each child and
you are able to view it on the app!
Download the app!!